Learn tried-and-true
methods of building and maintaining your small farm or homestead
from historic US Department of Agriculture books and bulletins.
University of North Texas provides online editions of
thousands of United States government sponsored books
and documents. Here's a small sampling of USDA
publications from the 1930s through the 1960s. These old
works do not show the latest and best methods, but they
are still valuable for ideas.
The contents of
the University of North Texas Digital Library are made publicly
available for use in research, teaching, and private study.
Review each manuscript for copyright information. It's your
responsibility to use this material according to all applicable
How to Build Your Own Chicken Coop Get detailed, illustrated
step-by-step instructions on how to build an assortment
of permanent and portable chicken coops for your yard.
Learn how to care for your hens and how to have your own
fresh organic eggs everyday.
Live the Self Sufficient
Learn how to keep bees, how to build your own greenhouse
and chicken coop, how to live off grid, how to grow
fresh fruit and vegetables, how to home school your
kids, how to grow hydroponic gardens and much more.
Easy Do It Yourself
Chicken Coop PlansGet plans, instructions, material
lists and how-to videos to build dozens of inexpensive
coops and chicken tractors. Free guidebooks included
with your order will teach you how to easily raise and
care for your chickens.