Free Barn and Agricultural Building Plans from the MidWest Plan Service


These free downloadable plans for animal shelters, barns, grain storage buildings and equipment sheds are sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture.


Free Barn and Agricultural Building Plans from the MidWest Plan Service


Hay and Grain Storage Building Plans
Beef Barns
Dairy Barn Plans
Machinery Barns and Equipment Sheds

Milkhouse Plans
Sheep Barns
Swine Buildings  The Midwest Plans Service, at Iowa State University, is a publishing cooperative dedicated to disseminating practical and affordable agricultural publications that support the missions of twelve mid-west land-grant universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Their web site makes available 8 1/2" x 11" conceptual plans for practical barns, storage buildings and farm structures. The plans can be helpful in developing building layouts and selecting equipment for various agricultural applications. These are older plans that do not necessarily represent the most current technology or the most recent construction theories. They are not construction plans and do not replace the need for competent design assistance in developing safe, legal, and well-functioning buildings.

Buildings must resist various forces from snow, wind, and use. They also must adhere to local building and zoning codes. A local building inspector, engineer, building supplier, or building contractor can help you determine what is a safe and legal facility for your area.


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Pole Frame Country Garage with Storage Loft

Pole Barn Plans, Country Garage Plans and Workshop Plans  Order practical barn blueprints, car barn plans with lofts and optional add-on garages, carports, storage spaces, greenhouses and workshop areas, horse barn plans, workshop designs and plans for small barns, hobby shops, backyard studios and small animal shelters. Click to see photos of dozens of customers' buildings in all parts of the United States and Canada.

Barns, Garages and Country Outbuildings  Build your new barn, garage, workshop, pole barn, stable, animal shelter, tractor shed or country outbuilding with the help of professional blueprints, do-it-yourself building plans and easy-to-assemble prefab kits. Find the perfect design for your property.